I will worship, I will worship F
With all of my heart, with all of my heart.
I will praise you, I will praise you GAm7 Dsus D
with all of my strength, all my strength.
I will seek you, I will seek you
All of my days, all of my days.
I will follow, I will follow GAm7 Dsus D
All of your ways, all your ways.
(Chorus) GD
I will give you all my worship. CAm7 Dsus D
I will give you all my praise. GD
You alone I long to worship. CAm7 Dsus DD
You alone are worthy of my praise.
I will bow down, I will bow down
Hail you as King, hail you as King.
I will serve you, I will serve you
Give you ev'rything, give you ev'rything.
I will lift up, I will lift up
My eyes to your throne, my eyes to your throne.
I will trust you, I will trust you
I will trust you alone, trust you a-lone.
Eclesiastul 11:9Bucură-te, tinere, în tinereţea ta, fii cu inima veselă cât eşti tânăr, umblă pe căile alese de inima ta şi plăcute ochilor tăi, dar să ştii că, pentru toate acestea, te va chema Dumnezeu la judecată.