D Dsus D Dsus
To be like You, trusting Your faithfulness D Dsus D Dsus
To be like You, in mercy and gentleness GDGD
Burning like a fire, with compassion and grace GBmA
Reaching ever higher to see Your face
To be like You, loving my brothers AGD
To be like You, caring for others AGD
Draw me nearer than ever before GA (stop)
Make my heart's desire D Dsus D Dsus
To be like You
Romani 2:1Aşadar, omule, oricine ai fi tu care judeci pe altul, nu te poţi dezvinovăţi, căci prin faptul că judeci pe altul, te osândeşti singur, fiindcă tu, care judeci pe altul, faci aceleaşi lucruri.