I dream of tongues of fire
resting on Your people, C/G Em7/D
I dream of all the miracles to come.
I hope to see the coming
healing of the nations, C/G Em7/D
I long to see the prodigals return.
Csus Em7/D
So many hopes and longings in you---
Csus Em7/D
when will all the dreams come true?
A2 G
I'm a believer in your kindom, D/F# A2
I am a seeker of the new things, G
I am a dreamer of some old dreams, D/F# A2
let them now come
(will you now come?)
Verse 2
I hope to see you come down,
Rend the mighty heavens,
And let Your glory cover all the earth;
to see Your sons and daughters
Come to know and love You,
And find a purer passion in the church.
These are the things my heart will pursue;
When will all the dreams come true?
Verse 3
May Your church now reach out,
Sowing truth and justice,
Learning to love the poor and help the weak.
When your kindom's coming
It will touch the broken,
Place the lonley ina family.
So many hopes and longings in You;
When will all the dreams come true?
Isaia 35:10Cei izbăviţi de Domnul se vor întoarce şi vor merge spre Sion cu cântece de biruinţă. O bucurie veşnică le va încununa capul, veselia şi bucuria îi vor apuca, iar durerea şi gemetele vor fugi!