Awaken the Song
Words and Music by Cindy Rethmeier
Awaken the song in me GC Dsus D
Rouse my heart to love GCD
Refreshing your song in me GC Dsus D
Draw me now to love
Renew passion, restore vision Am (G) C Dsus D
Awaken the song in me
(chorus) GDC
To sing to you, to dance with you AmC Dsus
It is good to be near you my God GDC
To sing to you, to dance with you AmC Dsus
It is good to be near you my God
Romani 2:1Aşadar, omule, oricine ai fi tu care judeci pe altul, nu te poţi dezvinovăţi, căci prin faptul că judeci pe altul, te osândeşti singur, fiindcă tu, care judeci pe altul, faci aceleaşi lucruri.