From the Vineyard Cd TTFH "Receive Our Praise"
(c) 1997 Mercy/Vineyard Publishing
Tab by Joshua Michel ([email protected])
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From the Vineyard Cd TTFH "Receive Our Praise"
(c) 1997 Mercy/Vineyard Publishing
Tab by Joshua Michel ([email protected])
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"You Are A Loving God"
By G. Scott Fairdough
>From the Vineyard Cd TTFH "Receive Our Praise"
(c) 1997 Mercy/Vineyard Publishing
Tab by Joshua Michel ([email protected])
You are a loving God
And You love me G
And thanks to Jesus Christ
You have received me
You are a loving God CG
You are a loving God Am7
You are a loving God
D7sus G
Such a loving God
Though it's hard to understand EmD
Deep inside I know DmF
That Your love has brought me here EmD
And You'll never let me go
This song is great you can keep going on the
chorus singing "you are a loving God" with the girls
echoing forever, it sounds beautiful! Listen to the CD
Eclesiastul 11:9Bucură-te, tinere, în tinereţea ta, fii cu inima veselă cât eşti tânăr, umblă pe căile alese de inima ta şi plăcute ochilor tăi, dar să ştii că, pentru toate acestea, te va chema Dumnezeu la judecată.