Keep Me Near Thee
Autor: Thomas Kelly - Traducere RO  |  Album: fara album  |  Tematica: Diverse
Resursa adaugata de moldovan in 24/11/2012
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1. Keep me near Thee, blessed Jesus,
Keep me near Thee lest I stray;
With Thy mighty hand uphold me,
Lead me gently all the way.

R: /: Life without Thee would be dreary,
Cheerless all my path would be;
But while walking in Thy presence,
Heaven’s glory shines on me. :/

2. Keep me near Thee, precious Savior,
Many snares are by the way;
’Neath Thy balmy wings protect me,
Draw me nearer Thee each day.

3. Help me live so near Thee, Jesus,
That Thy whispers I may hear,
Let me feel Thy arms around me
When the hand of danger’s near.

4. Draw me nearer, blessed Jesus,
Closely fold me to Thy breast;
Pillowed on Thy loving bosom,
Let me ever sweetly rest.
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