Let creation sing
Autor: Hillsong  |  Album: God He Reigns  |  Tematica: Diverse
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The whole earth
With Your Power
And Your Glory
There is no one like You God
There is no one like You God

Mountains bow
Nations tremble
At You feet we cry Holy
There is no one like You God
There is no one like You God

Let creation sing of the risen King
Let the universe resound
With a shout of love
We will give to You
All the highest praise

Let Your light
Shine upon us
Let Your light
Shine upon us
For the Glory of Your name
Will be over all the earth

Forever I'll sing
Forever I'll sing
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Isaia 61:1 „Duhul Domnului Dumnezeu este peste Mine, căci Domnul M-a uns să aduc veşti bune celor nenorociţi: El M-a trimis să vindec pe cei cu inima zdrobită, să vestesc robilor slobozenia şi prinşilor de război, izbăvirea;