Autor: Unknown author  |  Album: Unknown album  |  Tematica: Diverse
Adaugata in 26/11/2005
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1. Reconciled I'm reconciled
I'm reconciled to God forever
KnowHe took away my sin
I know His love will leave me never
Reconciled, I am His child
I know it was on me He smiled
I'm reconciled, I'm reconciled to God
Hallelujah I'm

2. Justified, I'm justified
It's just as if I'd never sinned
And once I knew such guilty fear
But now I know His peace within me
Justified, I'm Justified
It's all because my Jesus died
I'm justified, I'm Justified by God
Hallelujah I'll

3. Magnify, I'll magnify
I'll magnify His name forever
Wear the robe of righteousness
And bless the name of Jesus, Saviour
Magnify the one who died
The one who reigns foe me on high
I'll magnify, I'll magnify my God.
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