Ye choirs of new jerusalem
Autor: Anonim  |  Album: fara album  |  Tematica: Diverse
Adaugata in 01/12/2005
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Ye choirs of new Jerusalem
Your sweetest notes employ
The paschal victory to hymn
In strains of holy joy.

For Judah's Lion burst His chains
Cryshing the serpent's head
And cries aloud through death's domains
To wake the imprisoned dead.

Triumphant in His glory now
To Him all power is given
To Him in one communion bow
All saints in earth and heaven.

While we, His soldiers, praise our King
His mercy we implore
Within His palace bright to bring
And keep us evermore.

All glory to the Father be
All glory to the Son
All glory, Holy Ghost, to Thee
While endless ages run.
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