Creator King
Autor: Don Moen  |  Album: Thank You Lord  |  Tematica: Laudă și închinare
Adaugata in 06/04/2006
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1. You, Who made the mountains and the sea
Measured out the universe and you make me
Echoes of the voice that called the worlds to be
Reach throughout the ages and now speak to me
You're my Creator King

2. You, Who made the valleys and the skies
Displayed Your love on far horizons and before my eyes
You, Who lit the stars and set the dawn in time
Called them all by name and now You whisper mine
You're my Creator King

R: Who am I that You are mindful of me
Who am I that You sent Your love on me
You're my Creator King

3. You, Who made the darkness and the light
Sun and Moon to watch the day and guard the night
The hand that stretched the heavens like a canopy
Reaches down to cover and watch over me
You're my Creator King
O mica remarca
Site-ul dvs. e minunat, dar ar fi foarte bine daca a-ti putea sa adaugati cantarilor (versurilor) existente pe aceasta pagina si linia melodica.Multumesc,
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