At the cross of Jesus bowing
Autor: Daniel O. Teasley  |  Album: fara album  |  Tematica: Diverse
Adaugata in 13/08/2007
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1. At the cross of Jesus bowing,
Here I find a safe retreat
From a world of care and trouble,
In His presence calm and sweet.

R: Sweet stillness of heaven around me I feel,
While low at the cross of my Jesus I kneel.

2. At the cross of Jesus bowing,
Here I count my blessings o’er;
Here I drink from life’s pure fountain,
Drink until I thirst no more.

3. At the cross of Jesus bowing,
Here I spend life’s sweetest hour;
Here I taste the joys of heaven,
Fill my heart with conq’ring pow’r.

4. At the cross of Jesus bowing,
Let me never from it part;
For His dying love has conquered
My rebellious, roving heart.

5. At the cross of Jesus bowing,
Here I own His way is best;
In the shelter of Mount Calv’ry,
Let me die in peace at last.

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