Balm in gilead
Autor: Clara M. Brooks  |  Album: fara album  |  Tematica: Diverse
Resursa adaugata de domnulnopcea in 15/08/2007
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1. Is there no balm in Gilead, and no physician there,
That people still should languish in sickness and despair?
Is there no one to free them, no power to release?
Yes, Jesus died to save from sin, from sickness and disease.

R: Yes, there is balm in Gilead, a great physician there,
For Jesus died on Calvary our sicknesses to bear;
Then ask in faith believing, His promises are true,
Doubt not, but come receiving, there’s healing now for you.

2. To Christ, the wondrous Healer, they came at set of sun,
With lame and halt and withered; He healed them, every one.
The leper proved His power—that met Him in the way;
He healed the deaf, the dumb, the blind; He’s just the same today.

3. The mighty name of Jesus has wondrous healing pow’r,
He’ll banish your diseases—be healed this very hour!
He suffered death to free us; our resurrected Lord
Will send the healing stream to you when you believe His word.

4. O come, receive your healing, it is the children’s bread,
The table stands before you, with Father’s bounty spread.
Not one shall be excluded; the promises are true;
You may be filled, O hungry one, the table’s spread for you.

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