Every Hour of the Passing Day
Autor: Daniel O. Teasley  |  Album: fara album  |  Tematica: Laudă și închinare
Resursa adaugata de Aleee in 04/10/2007
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1. Every hour of the passing day
Let me labor, Lord, for Thee;
While one soul in the darkness roams,
Let me never idle be.

R: Every hour, every day,
Let me do some deed of love;
Every hour, every day,
Point some soul to the world above.

2. Every hour of the passing day
Let me sow some precious seed;
Lift some load from a fainting soul,
Help some suff’ring one in need.

3. Every hour of the passing day
Let me breathe Thy name in prayer;
Trusting in Thy grace divine,
Let me in Thy glory share.

4. Every hour of the passing day
Let me drink at the fountain deep;
Drink from that exhaustless stream
Grace and pow’r my soul to keep.

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