Fiery Darts
Autor: Barney E. Warren  |  Album: fara album  |  Tematica: Laudă și închinare
Resursa adaugata de Aleee in 04/10/2007
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1. In the hour of sore temptation I may be,
Yet, amid the trials, Jesus’ face I see;
In His word my anchor holdeth to the last,
While the fiery darts are flying thick and fast.

R: We shall not be wounded in the hottest fight
If we raise the shield of faith in Jesus’ might;
Through the grace of God we’ll conquer to the last,
While the fiery darts are flying thick and fast.

2. In the greatest suff’ring man may undergo,
He shall have the vict’ry if he’ll count it so;
Conqu’ring in the conflict, soon ’twill all be past,
Though the fiery darts are flying think and fast.

3. Should I walk in trouble, pressed on every side,
He who knows my weakness will with me abide;
I will ever trust Him in the hottest blast,
While the fiery darts are flying thick and fast.

4. In the heated furnace, Father, let me stay,
Precious gold refining, purge the dross away,
Till Thy glorious image is reflected there,
Till the costly jewels of Thy grace I wear.

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