I Believe Jesus Saves
Autor: William McDonald  |  Album: Album necunoscut  |  Tematica: Evanghelizare
Resursa adaugata de Aleee in 11/10/2007
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1. I am coming to Jesus for rest,
Rest such as the purified snow;
My soul is athirst to be blest,
To be washed and made whiter than snow.

R: I believe Jesus saves,
And His blood washes whiter than snow;
I believe Jesus saves,
And His blood washes whiter than snow.

2. In coming, my sin I deplore,
My weakness and poverty show;
I long to be saved evermore,
To be washed and made whiter than snow.

3. To Jesus I give up my all,
Every treasure and idol I know;
For His fullness of blessing I call,
Till His blood washes whiter than snow.

4. I am trusting in Jesus alone,
Trusting now His salvation to know;
And His blood doth so fully atone,
I am washed and made whiter than snow.

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Eclesiastul 11:9 Bucură-te, tinere, în tinereţea ta, fii cu inima veselă cât eşti tânăr, umblă pe căile alese de inima ta şi plăcute ochilor tăi, dar să ştii că, pentru toate acestea, te va chema Dumnezeu la judecată.