Just Over in the Glory Land
Autor: James W. Acuff  |  Album: fara album  |  Tematica: Diverse
Adaugata in 26/10/2007
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1. I’ve a home prepared where the saints abide,
Just over in the glory land;
And I long to be by my Savior’s side,
Just over in the glory land.

R: Just over in the glory land,
I’ll join the happy angel band,
Just over in the glory land;
Just over in the glory land,
There with the mighty host I’ll stand,
Just over in the glory land.

2. I am on my way to those mansions fair,
Just over in the glory land;
There to sing God’s praise and His glory share,
Just over in the glory land.

3. What a joyful thought that my Lord I’ll see,
Just over in the glory land;
And with kindred saved, there forever be,
Just over in the glory land.

4. With the blood-washed throng I will shout and sing,
Just over in the glory land;
Glad hosannas to Christ, the Lord and King,
Just over in the glory land.

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Matei 5:11 Ferice va fi de voi când, din pricina Mea, oamenii vă vor ocărî, vă vor prigoni şi vor spune tot felul de lucruri rele şi neadevărate împotriva voastră!