Need you here
Autor: Hillsong United  |  Album: To the Ends of the Earth  |  Tematica: Diverse
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1. I need You here... I need You here...
You're like the rain that falls.
Fall on this heart and make me new...
I look to You... I look to You...
Your're king above the earth...
And you have put heaven in my heart.
I only want to be where You are...

R: Holy... holy is the Lord... King of glory,
Forever... Saviour of the world...
I look to You... I look to You...
Your're King above the earth...
And You have put heaven in my heart.
I only want to be where You are...

2. Holy... holy is the Lord... King of glory,
Forever... Saviour of the world...
Holy... holy is the Lord... King of glory,
Forever... Saviour of the world...
Though mountains maybe moved
And fall into the raging seas
You'll never let me fall
You hold me in Your nail scarred hands.

B: I only want to be where You are
I only want to be where You are
I only want to be where You are
Holy... holy is the Lord... King of glory,
Forever... Saviour of the world...
Holy... holy is the Lord... King of glory,
Forever... Saviour of the world...
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  • Vizualizări: 2022
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  • Conținut complet
Isaia 61:1 „Duhul Domnului Dumnezeu este peste Mine, căci Domnul M-a uns să aduc veşti bune celor nenorociţi: El M-a trimis să vindec pe cei cu inima zdrobită, să vestesc robilor slobozenia şi prinşilor de război, izbăvirea;