- Geneza 37:3 Israel iubea pe Iosif mai mult decât pe toţi ceilalţi fii ai săi, pentru că îl născuse la bătrâneţe, şi i-a făcut o haină pestriţă.
- Geneza 37:3 Sau: o haină lungă, cu mâneci.
Now Israel loved Joseph more than all his children, because he was the son of his old age. Also he made him a tunic of many colors. (Genesis 37:3)
I love big families. Aren’t they adorable? Parents sitting in the park with their kids, always looking after them, toddlers roaming around, chasing each other and having a great time together.... As God said, children are a true blessing (Ps 127: 3-5)!
However, this blessing can turn into a real problem if one of the kids doesn’t get a fair share of their parents’ love and attention. So make sure you don’t fall into the trap of favoritism.
Yes, I know, the little one always seems to be the cutest, the smartest, the most beautiful, but you have to watch out and not make the same mistake as Jacob did.
By loving Joseph more than his other children, he set himself and his favorite boy to a great deal of pain. You probably know the story: Joseph’s brothers hated him, plotted against him and sold him into slavery. Meanwhile, their father paid the price as well, by mourning his son’s apparent death, then famine and all that followed.
Bottom line, the whole family suffered because Jacob has made an idol of his son. It’s true that God turned it all for good, but I don't think you want to end up in your personal Egypt to find out the consequences of favoritism.
Love must be the same for all your little treasures!
Devotional taken from The Orthodox Issue.
Da, dragostea trebuie să fie aceeaşi pentru micuţele noastre comori! Fii binecuvântat, Gabriel.