Live in Christ
Autor: Anonim  |  Album: fara album  |  Tematica: Diverse
Adaugata in 18/02/2006
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Live in Christ

In the message "Baby Steps of Obedience" I shared my struggles with accepting God's direction: how I thought I knew the next several steps of God's plan but how, after the first step, I found God's next step was different. My struggles revealed that I had taken too much control. If our life is fully submitted and we are trusting as we should, then we have climbed into HIS boat and allowed HIS hands to be firmly on the wheel. It's arrogance and prideful to ever take the wheel or tell God where we ought to go.

The first step was a move to a smaller and less expensive home - this we have done. I thought the second step was to travel and begin "speaking for Jesus" around the country. This seemed like a grand, exciting plan - certainly "worthy" of someone who has committed their life to His service. But God's next step was different - a step which was difficult for me to see.

It wasn't difficult for my wife who has already begun her ministry of encouragement to several other women, has told our neighbor she was praying for him as he went for shoulder surgery, and has baked bread for another neighbor who recently lost her husband. It wasn't even difficult for my seven year old daughter who took her Bible outside to read to some kids with no church background. But me? I was blinded by the desire to do something "important." How shallow!

Philippians 1:21
"For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain."

As we grow in Christ we soon realize that we can no longer live for the things of this world. Worldly gain and pleasure just doesn't carry the same significance when we understand an eternity in the presence of God. We now live for Christ and do all for His glory.

The problem comes whenever we focus on doing and believe our accomplishments for Him equate to bringing Him glory. The glory we give God is not found in doing and living FOR Him but in being so united that we live IN Him and He lives in us; "I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me" (Galatians 2:20). When we truly live in Christ, ALL we do is significant and important. And once we grasp this eternal truth, ALL we do will become satisfying!

God is directing me to pour more of my heart into this ministry and into this community. But, more importantly, He's directing me as He's directing us all: to trust Him and, more fully, to live in Christ.

Have A Great Day!
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