Pass The Blessing
Autor: Anonim  |  Album: fara album  |  Tematica: Diverse
Adaugata in 21/02/2006
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Pass The Blessing

Over the last few months I've been sending out messages from my devotional book "A Closer Walk, Volume 1." This gave me a chance to edit the messages for the reprinting of the book and get messages ready for the second volume - both of which will be printed early next month. At the very end of the book I included the follow short message.

When Jesus began His ministry on earth, He taught those who had an ear to hear, healed those who were sick, and fed those who were hungry. He also selected twelve Apostles and sent them "to the lost sheep of Israel" (Matthew 10:6) with instructions to preach, heal, and feed. As He was preparing them for the mission field, He gave a command to maintain a giving heart.

Matthew 10:8
"Freely you have received, freely give."

All we have is from the hand of God. There is nothing we can claim we have earned or deserve. If the material in this book has in any way blessed you and helped to draw you closer to God, I pray you would consider giving this book to someone else. Our Heavenly Father will continue to be glorified as we freely pass the blessing!

I included this message as a way of encouraging people to share the book with others. The books I distribute free of charge have only limited value if they are read once and put on the shelf. Likewise, the daily devotional messages come free of charge - take the opportunity to share the blessing with others.

But there is a much more general principle at work, and one much more important than the sharing of books and email messages. We have received from God the greatest gift of all, the gift of His Son. God gave His Son, free of charge to all who believe, as a full and complete sacrifice for the forgiveness of our sin. We may take the rest of our lives trying to comprehend the magnitude of this gift, but He has given us a way to spend all eternity with Him in Heaven. He has given us a ticket which instantly transports us from eternal death in Hell to eternal life in Heaven. Can anything compare? Yet the gift is free.

The gift is free and absolutely not for sale. We cannot purchase eternal life with all the money in the world or all the good deeds accomplished by every soul who ever walked the earth. The only way to receive the gift of eternal life is to humbly approach the Giver and believe.

But now that we have received such a wonderful gift we must give it away. We cannot keep the gift of Salvation on the shelf and hope to dust it off when we're finally called Home. We must share our faith - share our gift - with anyone, anywhere, and at any time that will be able to express His love and glorify His name. Our ability to give away the gift reflects an understanding of its value and the free grace through which it was given. Let's share the free gift of Jesus with others today. Today, let's freely pass the blessing.

Have A Great Day!
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