Worship God by Obeying Him
Autor: Sorin Bojin  |  Album: fara album  |  Tematica: Diverse
Resursa adaugata de sorincbojin in 27/12/2012
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Worship God by Obeying Him


Worship God by Obeying Him

In John 14 verse 23 we read: "If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching. My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him.” 

Here Apostle John is telling us that just saying we love Christ is not enough. Just like it’s not enough to tell your spouse I love you, without proving it over and over. You have to demonstrate that love, your actions should speak louder that your words. In the same way the only way we demonstrate our love for our Savior is by obeying his teachings. 

It may sound like an easy thing to do, but many times we find ourselves listening more to other things or people rather than what Jesus’ teachings in scriptures.

 I believe John is saying here that we cannot worship God just Sunday morning and then go the rest of the week guided by our friends’ opinions, our feelings or the latest trends on TV. That is not the correct attitude. Too many times obeying Christ’s teachings and taking time to look for answers and guidance in the Bible comes second, third and in many cases becomes nonexistent. When this happens, our spiritual life becomes flabby and weak.

As a dad I can’t imagine my daughter speaking to me once or twice a week, when she remembers, or worse, only when she needs something. It’s the same with God. God desires extravagant worship. I love this quote by Darlene Zschech, that says it so well, “I long to be an extravagant worshipper, that God would discover the song in my heart to be elaborate, overgenerous and wasteful in my pursuit of him.”What an amazing opportunity we have as children of the Most High God to have a personal relationship with Him and listen to His guidance. The Creator of the Universe takes time to invest in us, to show us the way, to encourage us when times are tough. 

Notice that when we love God and obey his teaching, Christ says, “We will come to him and make our home with him.” What a great promise we have before us! The God who created everything we see and the things we don’t see, promises us to come and live inside us and “Make our home with him” when we take time to learn Christ’s teachings and live our lives accordingly. 



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