Seeds of Light (71-80)
Autor: Marin Mihalache  |  Album: SEEDS OF LIGHT  |  Tematica: Apologetica
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Seeds of Light (71-80)

July 10,2020

71. In the flow and the fire of history, we may discern the tentative of man to establish social, economic or political freedom. This is a good deal of good. There is, however, another kind of freedom, the only one true and genuine, the divine freedom, and freedom in spirit through the liberation of our bodies and souls from the burdens of vanity and sin. The Holy Spirit is pouring the grace of true freedom upon those who are earnestly seeking God’s freedom.

72. There is such a temptation to watch in the garden of others in search of more sophisticated thoughts and ideas. It is a temptation and sin, for it is like the teaching and love of Christ is not enough for our spiritual needs. The fervor for exotic intellectual knowledge without love leads many of us astray to a hollow and never satisfied emptiness. This may also be a way to blind ourselves. For a medicine that we don’t really need not only has no effect on our illness but causes much more trouble, unwarranted sickness and unforeseen secondary effects.

73. It is in the infinite power and wisdom of God to measure and to weight the hidden depths of creation. For what is at hand and visible can be only the tip of a colossal iceberg.

74. As long as we are trying to cover from our own sights our sins, they are becoming a heavier burden for our souls. Like the wounded birds, we cannot any longer fly higher in the freedom and splendor of the heavens.

75. The door of heavens is always open, is never locked. But because of the deep scars imprinted in our memory by our sins and feeble faith, we remain outside hesitating to knock.

76. Samson was enslaved by the power of his own desires. Loving with passion an earthly creature, Delilah, he betrayed himself, his true calling, making himself vulnerable. He lost the gift of strength and his enemies bounded him with the chains of enslavement. They also cast out his eyes, making him blind and dependent on others, depriving him of the light, the ultimate source of his strength and freedom. Cutting his hair, the abundance of his wisdom was taken away from him. Merciful God restored again in him the power to fight his enemies, but Samson still died in the battle with darkness.

77. There is an inconvenient condition to follow Christ: to sell everything and buy a treasure in heaven. Although the price of our desires is so cheap, we often succumb to the temptation of living by bread alone, of amassing treasures on earth; although we know that we cannot take anything with us when passing away, we waste our lives garnering material and intellectual richness. The reluctance of gaining a treasure in heaven while living on earth makes us unable to see what separates us from the glory of God. There is also a human, too human, fair law of compensation: to have all we should not have any unprofitable wishes. Rather to have only one fruitful and everlasting want and hope: to have it all, a full life in Christ.

78. At the present time, during our very short sojourn on earth, we spend all our precious life learning on how to be successful or more successful than others. But we have forgotten the most important lesson of history according to which to be successful in the sight of man sometimes means failing in God’s eyes.

79. Faith is the mystical road to light which passing through fragrance of a lily reaches the purity becoming joy. Unseen, although spiritually visible, it is the privilege of pilgrims who following the morning star have had arrived in a country where they remember nothing but that choir of angels singing “Osanah in the highest”. Then, God casting out the infirmities of senses bequeaths to us the inner glasses of spiritual vision to see the new reality. There is no other gift more precious than this: to be reborn into eternity and to see into the darkness of the knowledge of God. But only those who have seen God’s glory can also believe. They do not need any other proof. For all others who have not yet received such a gift, all the proofs in the world are not enough to convince them.

80. To be in one spirit with God is to have numinous access of communication with Him through the time and eternity, to see through darkness and to apprehend the light shining from above through insurmountable hindrances. For this, the windows of our hearts should be clean, transparent and open to such illumination. Sometimes, we may have visions; we may receive the gift of spiritual sight, of the angelic realm. Having the gift of farsightedness we may see like in a lucid dream, like in vision, our brothers in spirit fallen asleep in the Lord. The same spirit and light of Christ pervades the earth and heavens altogether. As long as we have such a full communication in the Spirit of Christ, we cannot fear. The Lord is with us. The transcendental solitude is that state of spirit when we, losing the fullness of God’s grace, remain connected with others only through the fragile cords of senses or the thin and abstract wires of the intellect. Let’s pray to God that His Kingdom of Light shall be revealed to all of us one day. Amen.

„the only one true and genuine, the divine freedom, and freedom in spirit through the liberation of our bodies and souls from the burdens of vanity and sin. ” Halelluia for this holly freedom!
Adăugat în 21/07/2020 de loredanam
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