Know thyself
Autor: Nick Rosioru  |  Album: fara album  |  Tematica: Diverse
Resursa adaugata de nick.rosioru in 14/06/2023
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Know thyself

Can we objectively look in the mirror and have a dialog with ourselves? Can we dare to probe deep inside and ask some thought-provoking questions? Who are we as a church, as a community, as an ethnic group? What is the “group psyche” and that one thing that stands out and defines us as a distinct cultural entity. Maybe it’s time for some soul searching. When you say French, you automatically think of fashion, romance, art, sophistication. When you say Jewish you think of God’s chosen people, money, law firms, survival instinct. When you say Italian, Catholicism, pasta and sleek looking cars come to mind. What is the first thing that comes to mind when you say Romanian? “Smecher care stie sa se descurce, or unul care spune una si face altceva…? “

Some of you remember the humble beginnings when you came into this coutnry (USA) with just a suitcase, when you had a hard time figuring out how to turn the shower on for the first time, and the only thing you knew was “sorry no spik inglish”. You felt awkward and embarrassed, terrified to pick up the phone, or faking that you understood when in fact you did not have a clue what that cashier was talking about when she said paper or plastic. The deer in the headlight look on your face was priceless. The only store you knew was Kmart, and the first car bought from auction you fixed it in somebody else’s garage. The first day on the job was seared in our memory forever with fear and anxiety. God helped you overcome a lot of hardships and with ambition, tenacity and two jobs, you managed to buy your first house, shocking your coworkers into incurable envy. But that is all history now, today we are a prosperous community and our church parking lot looks more like a dealership. We are trying to outdo each other with expensive cars, mansions, “babe business”, clothing, bank accounts, hairdo, you name it – the race is on… keeping up with the Johns. Now, some are even afraid to be seen in a Kmart, or a Target. We’ve come a long way, haven’t we? Let’s face it, we’ve been infected with “afluenza”. It begs the question - is this all there is to life? Is this why we came into this country for?

We are indeed a very ambitious people with a tremendous potential. Are we using this potential in a positive way? Are you aware that you can shape the future of this church and this community by the decision you make today? Would we be better off if the society will be made up of YOU multiplied thousands of times? Is there a deep craving for connectivity in our getting together, or it’s just another opportunity to show off your stuff. It is up to you to shake off the old stereotype about Romanians as welfare cheats, flaky, “smecheri, descurcareti”, etc. and build a new legacy based on character, integrity and Godly principles, as people with some, shall we say, “gravitas”, that say what they mean and mean what that say.

Accumulation of wealth is not an end into itself, nor can it bring you inner happiness. Bible says that money is the root of all evils and wealth could become a deadly trap for your soul. Let’s rise up to the challenge just like Esther did in the Old Testament; God may have big plans for us. Stay tuned.

Nick Rosioru

paxelectric@hotmail. com


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