Autor: Sorin C. Bojin  |  Album: fara album  |  Tematica: Meditatii
Resursa adaugata de sorincbojin in 19/10/2012
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A reflection on Psalm 63

The first thing David recognizes in this psalm is that God is his God and even though he was in the wilderness at the time, he “earnestly searches for God.” (v. 1) David longed for the presence of God because he encountered God in the place of worship, the sanctuary. The word encounter means “to come upon or meet with, especially unexpectedly: to encounter a new situation.”At that time the tabernacle was still in use. The temple would be built later by his son Solomon.

Something happened to David while he was worshipping God in the sanctuary. Another translation of verses 2-4 reads, “So here I am in the place of worship, eyes open, drinking in your strength and glory. In your generous love I am really living at last! My lips brim praises like fountains. I bless you every time I take breath; my arms wave like banners of praise to you.” (MSG) David experienced first hand God’s power and glory and it changed him forever, it captured his desires. He was now longing for God with his whole being.

Having an encounter with God transforms your desires, it changes who you are completely and gives you a new perspective on how you live your life. When you spend time in the presence of God, things begin to change, worries fade away and faith settles in. Notice what David says after he experienced God’s presence in worship, “In your generous love, I am really living at last.”Many times we may find ourselves distracted from what really matters, giving priority to things that “need to get done” and leaving out our daily devotional time with God. We should never allow a day to go by without spending time in God’s presence. Without this our souls will become empty and dry leaving us vulnerable to temptations, and the worries of the world may settle back in. Therfore, it is vital we make time each day before all else to spend time with God, reading his word or simply talking to him in prayer.

My prayer for us, is that we make spending time with God in worship an everyday priority; this way we’ll see stronger and healthier relationships, families and churches.

“I cling to you; your strong right hand holds me securely.”(NLT)


întâlnirea cu Dumnezeu pentru toţi este fundamentală şi produce schimbări încredibile în viaţa orşicui, dar sunt schimbări benefice. De aceea e bine de a nu mai lăsa să treacă nici o zi fără Domnul şi toată puterea noastră să fie canalizată pentru pentru a sta în prezenţa Lui şi aceasta să fie prioritatea principală a noastră.
pace şi binecuvântare.
Adăugat în 20/10/2012 de 1954adina.9mai
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