The Wisdom and the Foolishness
Autor: Agnia P.  |  Album: fara album  |  Tematica: Diverse
Resursa adaugata de godhatesreligion in 19/03/2013

The wisdom calling on the heights,
Where the paths meet she takes her stand,
Crying aloud she now invites:
“Dear mankind, come and understand!

To you, oh men, I'm calling out,
You, who are foolish, come and learn!
Trustworthy things come from my mouth,
Words that are wothful of concern!

My mouth speaks only what is true,
Indeed, my lips hate wickedness.
My words proclaim the justice too,
And none is wicked or perverse!

To the discerning I am right,
To those who seek me, I unfold.
Silver is cheaper in their sight
And they prefer me to the gold!

By sense and knowledge I'm defined,
Wisely are all my plans conceived.
If you ever leave me behind,
You will end up sad and deceived!

Fear God, the Lord, first thing of all,
Do not ignore to keep His ways!
Beware of Him who owns the soul
And loves the creature who obeys!

The way of righteousness I keep,
Blessed are those who follow me,
Their prudence never falls asleep,
Their eyes full treasuries will see!

Through me, your days of peace will grow
And then you will be wiser still.
By me, kings how to rule will know
And rulers how to do God's will.

For those who find me, life they find,
And receive favor from the Lord!
But those who cast me from their mind,
Eternal death is their reward!

Then, suddenly, the answer came,
And people answered proudly thus:
“We're not related to your name,
Our self-reliance speaks for us!

We have no lack of understanding,
And we have never been unwise!
From ancient times we have been learning
The paths of our own advice!

Our words are rolling with disdain
When we affirm conflicting truths;
Reality is not that plain
To close it up in absolutes!

From all constraints we broke out free
And we're not bothered by confusion,
We needn't test our facts to see
If real or if mere illusion.

It seems acceptable to us
Some sort of God, we can all blame.
Religions stirred a mighty fuss,
But in the end, they're all the same!

The 'wickedness' does not exist!
It was invented by some men
Fearing things written on a list,
They ought to do, but no one can!

And righteous men are everywhere!
If one is right in his own eyes,
Why should we measure and compare
When his own truth within him lies?!

Our manifold emotions show
How moral things are understood.
By their impression we will know
Whether a thing is bad or good.

When others break the law we cry,
In courts as witnesses we sit.
We hate to kill even a fly,
But stolen water is so sweet!

To put all crutches down we seek!
By ignorance an fear are blinded
Only the ones oppressed and weak,
Intolerant and narrow-minded!”

The Wisdom calling on the heights:
“You bunch of fools, come and be taught!”
But Foolishness claimed her own rights
And wisdom's voice, was heeded not.

Today the Foolishness' word
Still carries on its crafty fights,
And through the ages, still ignored
Is Wisdom calling on the heights...
This wonderful poem inspired by Proverbs 9, is right: the crazy world prefers madness and lies! Because relativization of truth and equal religious theory is crazy!

Aceasta poezie minunata inspirata din Proverbe 9, are dreptate: ce trist, lumea prefera nebunia si minciuna! Pentru ca relativizarea adevarului si teoria religiilor egale este nebunie!

Adăugat în 19/03/2013 de loredanam
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