Passing by my little house-Pe la geamul inghetat al casutei mele (translation)
Autor: Alexandru Marius  |  Album: Traduceri  |  Tematica: Nașterea Mântuitorului
Resursa adaugata de mariusalex in 25/01/2014
Passing by my little house – Pe la geamul inghetat al casutei mele (traducere libera)

Passing by my little house,
Choirs sing Him Glory,
/: Smiling from above, The Star
tells The Christmas Story. :/

Happy shepherds left their sheep,
Parents and grandparents,
/All are offering Him gifts,
Faith and love as treasures. :/

Humble Wisemen, from the past
Kneel and joyful sing
/: Star has stopped above at last,
Shining the newborn King. :/

Under the moonlight, at night,
Snow is like a prayer,
/: Holy incense blows through light,
Blessing everywhere. :/

And again, Christmas is here,
Choirs sing Him Glory,
/: We want you today to hear,
The Amazing Story. :/

To You, my Lord, by faith, I pray,
Bless me, bless my family,
/: We sing to The King today,
Hallelujah! Glory! :/

Pe la geamul inghetat al casutei mele (traducere libera)
Chicago 01/23/2014
Beatuiful translation!

I think the first line of the 3rd verse would sound better like
"Humble Wise men from the past..."
Adăugat în 22/12/2014 de deniscosarba
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