Psalm 20
Autor: Alexandru Marius  |  Album: English poetry  |  Tematica: Incurajare
Resursa adaugata de mariusalex in 29/08/2014
Psalm 20

When the day of trouble comes
All your questions may be answered
May The Lord fulfill your plans
All your offerings be remembered.

May he grant your heart’s desire
Help from heaven He will send
He, The One, clothed in fire,
With His saving, mighty hand.

We shout over your salvation
Full of joy like river’s streams
‘cause The Lord fulfill petitions
All our “wants” and all our dreams.

Some trust in horses some in chariots
But we trust Lord’s name and…. fight
They collapse and fall like puppets,
But we rise and stand upright.

Chicago 08/26/2014
Marius Alexandru

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