When the storms of life are raging
Autor: Alexandru Marius  |  Album: English poetry  |  Tematica: Incurajare
Resursa adaugata de mariusalex in 29/08/2014
When the storms of life are raging

When the storms of life are raging,
When the winds so angry roar,
On Your promises, I’m standing,
Trusting You, I see the shore.

Oh, sweet Jesus, help me carry,
All my burdens until the end,
Take away all of my worries,
All my pains to You I send.

In obedience, I will follow
You, whatever comes my way,
Happiness or sometimes sorrow,
Long dark nights or sunny days.

Yes! You promised that You'll hold me,
And no one can make me harm,
There’s no force, and never will be,
Strong enough to break Your hand.

Who can ever keep me distant
From Your never-ending love?
On the cross, You made the payment,
My freeway to Heaven above.

Safely covered by Your Grace,
I might walk here, a few more years,
Soon I’ll see You... face to face,
And You’ll wipe away my tears.

Chicago 08/17/14
Marius Alexandru
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