My song-traducere libera a cantarii “In cantecul meu sa rasune”
Autor: Alexandru Marius  |  Album: Traduceri  |  Tematica: Diverse
Resursa adaugata de mariusalex in 15/01/2016
My song

I wish, my song, Lord to be louder
The Truth to be heard all the way
The sinners to get out of fire
Forever in Your Grace to stay.

/: Your Grace, Your Grace
My song to show Your never-ending Grace
Your Grace, Your Grace
How beautiful You are! Amazing is Your Holly place. :/

I wish everybody to see that;
How clean is my new life in You
How rot, dark place is where sin once sat
And how, now I am made like new.

My song, Lord is like a-white flower
The smell of Your love in the garden
Your Grace over us, a fresh shower
I sing always happy! I’m pardoned!

My song, Lord is light in the darkness
Forever the night to be gone
Be gone all my tears, all my sadness
I see You sweet Jesus at dawn!

Marius Alexandru Chicago 01/07/2016 traducere libera a cantarii “In cantecul meu sa rasune”
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