Am un loc pregatit
Autor: Alexandru Marius  |  Album: Traduceri  |  Tematica: Diverse
Resursa adaugata de mariusalex in 23/05/2017
Am un loc pregatit

Am un loc pregatit, in vesnicii
Am un loc pregatit, in Cerul de sus
Am un loc pregatit, chiar de-al meu Isus.

Il voi vedea-n curand,
Pe Cel ce sangele-a varsat,
Atunci ii voi multumi, Celui ce m-a salvat,
Il voi vedea-n curand, in noul meu Palat.

Lui ma voi inchina, neincetat
Lui ma voi inchina cu cantul meu
Lui ma voi inchina, neincetat,
Cu cei rascumparati,
Lui ma voi inchina, in noul meu Palat.

Pe strazi de aur voi pasii,
Si voi calca pe aurul curat
Pe strazi de aur voi pasi, in vesnicii,
Pe strazi de aur voi pasi, in noul meu Palat.

Traducere libera a cantarii “I’ve got me a home” Marius Alexandru

I’ve got me a home not made by hands
I’ve got me a home in Heaven on high
I’ve got me a home way beyond the sky

I’m gonna see my Lord
See the one who bled and died for me
Gonna fall down at His feet
Thank Him for all He’s done for me
Gonna see my Lord when I get home

Gonna worship Him all day long
I’m gonna worship Him with a new song
I’m gonna worship all day long
As we gather ‘round the throne
Gonna worship Him when I get home

I’m gonna walk those streets of gold
I’m gonna walk those golden streets someday
I’m gonna walk those streets of gold as eternity rolls
I’m gonna walk those golden streets when I get home
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