Chiar si-atunci cand nu-nteleg
Autor: Alexandru Marius  |  Album: Traduceri  |  Tematica: Diverse
Resursa adaugata de mariusalex in 23/05/2017
Chiar si-atunci cand nu-nteleg, eu tot Voia Lui aleg

1 Cand pe marea vietii tale,
Vin mari furtuni,
Si cand valuri de-ncercari te napadesc,
Vantu-ti pune-adesea-n suflet indoiala,
Dar si-atunci cand nu-ntelegi,
La El s-alergi.

Chiar si-atunci cand nu-nteleg,
Eu tot voia Lui aleg,
N-am nevoie sa intreb; de ce-i asa?
Fiindca stiu ca Viata mea,
E mereu in mana Sa,
Chiar si-atunci cand nu-nteleg,
Eu tot Voia Lui aleg.

2 Cand viata de aici s-a dus
…ma va chema..
Chiar din locul pregatit, de-acol’ de sus,
Voi privi, din vesnici, spre calea mea
Si atunci voi intelege tot ce-a fost.
Traducere libera a cantarii “ I don’t need to understand” Marius Alexandru

1. Life is like a mighty sea
So, tossed and driven.
Billows rise within the heart of every man
Storms so many times will
Leave the heart with questions
But I don’t need to understand
Just hold His hand

Chorus: I don’t need to understand
I just need to hold His hand
I don’t ever need to ask the reason, why
For I know He’ll make a way
Through the night and through the day
I don’t need to understand
I just need to hold His hand.

2. When my life down here is through
And Jesus calls me
To my home up there, beyond the golden shore.
I’ll look back, review the path
That lay before me.
Then I won’t need to understand anymore
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