I am like a snowflake descending from the sky
(Free translation of the song “Eu nu sunt mai mult decat fulgul de nea”)
I am like a snowflake descending from-the-sky,
A game of small crystals in dance passing by,
I: My life is a moment, a second in Time,
A breath, then a smile… and soon I will die. :I
I am like the grass, drying slow, on the fields,
Without a protection, no armor, nor shields,
I: I’ll soon be forgotten, like an old broken string,
Until a reborn one is coming in Spring. :I
I am like a small light, in the deepest abyss,
But soon I’ll be feeling the Sun’s tender kiss,
I: I am like the millions of stars in the sky,
But only my name is; The Child of The-Most-High! :I
Un minunat poem al smereniei, si totusi recunoastere a faptului ca desi poetul se considera a fi precum fulgul de nea, precum iarba campului, precum o luminita in abis, totusi, in ultima instanta este Copil al Domnului Celui Preainalt. Sincere felicitari.