Autor: Marin Mihalache  |  Album: Homo Liturgicus  |  Tematica: Diverse
Resursa adaugata de marin2016 in 29/09/2018
We all were listening
In the music-room of life

God is conducting
So masterfully
So magnificently
The symphony of creation.

God is conducting
With all of His hands
With all of His eyes.

Smitten we are snooping
Quietly like stones.

God continues conducting
With all His hands,
With all His eyes.

Suddenly, He has stopped
And loudly asked:
“Is there anyone
In the music hall
Willing to turn
My score pages?”

Startle I lift up
My right hand
Even I, my Lord!
Though I am tone-deaf
Cannot even read
Musical scores
That mysterious language
Revered and revealed by angels.

From volume “Homo Liturgicus”, 2018
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