Autor: Marin Mihalache  |  Album: Homo Liturgicus  |  Tematica: Diverse
Resursa adaugata de marin2016 in 06/10/2018
The rays of God’s glory
Seeds of gladsome light
Spanning from above
By the heaven’s windows
Descending on the stairs
Of the celestial cathedral.

A candle hourglass in vigil
Burning the midnight oil
Angels’ choir’s herald
The Sabbath of peace.

Pouring the new wine
Into the heart chalices
Bread of life on the altar
Elixir of immortality
Holy truth revealed
By untutored prayer
Of the Holy Ghost.

Bring your gifts in silence
Whole mind and body
In fear and in trembling
Not even vain thoughts
For the Lord is coming
Sacrificial mystic lamb
The joy of the faithful
And life of the world.
Drop all worldly care
No one wanting is worthy
To approach and serve
The Emperor of Glory

Man is worshiping along
With the unseen hosts
Angels, multi-eyed cherubs
The six-winged seraphim
Singing Alleluia,
Echoing Amen!

From volume “Homo Liturgicus”, 2018
Amazon. com

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