The Armor Of God
Autor: Tom Zart  |  Album: fara album  |  Tematica: Diverse
Adaugata in 18/02/2006
Put on the whole armor of God,
And soldiers we shall be.
Fighting the powers of darkness,
Who thirst for the souls of the free.

Through lust, they try to enslave us,
And silence God's voice in man.
With focus of faith we shun them,
Avoiding the grasp of their hand.

Satan whispers his sadistic thoughts
In every language and every ear.
Tempting all with the sins of hell,
Victims of misery, hopelessness and fear.

Eagerly plotting to disrupt God's works,
Evil swallows up souls like the shifting sand.
The armor of God is our divine protection,
Shielding every child, woman, and man.

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Isaia 61:1 „Duhul Domnului Dumnezeu este peste Mine, căci Domnul M-a uns să aduc veşti bune celor nenorociţi: El M-a trimis să vindec pe cei cu inima zdrobită, să vestesc robilor slobozenia şi prinşilor de război, izbăvirea;