From the Cradle to the Cross
Autor: Sherry Brady  |  Album: fara album  |  Tematica: Diverse
Adaugata in 18/02/2006
He had ten tiny fingers
and such cute little toes;
pink, rosy cheeks,
and a sweet little nose.

An innocent babe,
such a delight to behold,
yet the coming of this child
had long been foretold.

For He was the Messiah,
the Redeemer of man,
conceived through the Spirit;
part of God's plan.

Years passed and He grew,
then in love He reached out.
The miracles He worked
should have left little doubt

That this was God's Son,
no ordinary man He,
sent forth to deliver,
to pardon, set free.

He spoke of new life;
and showed others the way
to be granted forgiveness;
receive salvation that day.

But many were deaf
to the truth of God's Word.
They had ears to listen
yet their hearts never heard.

His ministry on earth
brought Him not man's esteem,
for many would reject
that their souls He'd redeem.

Still He gave up His life;
bore man's guilt; suffered shame.
Obeying His Father,
The Sacrificial Lamb He became.

His life's blood poured out
for the remission of sin;
yet He conquered even death
when He arose once again.

Now salvation is promised
to all who'll believe;
eternal life offered
if the Son they'll receive.

The gift of God's Son
sent from Heaven above;
from the cradle to the cross:
the story of God's love.

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