The heart of Love
Autor: Sherry Gardner  |  Album: fara album  |  Tematica: Diverse
Adaugata in 18/02/2006
Why is it so hard today,
For me to seek Thy Kingdom first?
My dreams all blow away,
Like leaves upon a heavy wind.
And then I realize that I,
Must thirst Your Presence first.

When I try to find my own way,
The road is rough and long.
The fact that I travel downhill,
Should convince me of my wrong.
And yet Your Hand keeps reaching out,
To draw me back again so strong.

You live inside my heart,
Oh God, it must be painful there,
To be ignored by one You love,
A one who’s life You want to share.
And still Your Love keeps holding me,
And showing me how much You care.

Oh God, guard it well, my heart,
You know how easily it is hurt,
When I am foolish in my thoughts,
And when they are far from You.
Lord of my life, reach out Your Hand,
And draw me back again to You.

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