The Sinners Hope
Autor: Sneha John  |  Album: fara album  |  Tematica: Diverse
Adaugata in 18/02/2006
Behold! The Lord upon the throne
He calls everyone to be His own
He welcomes everyone having a desire to atone
Hallelujah! Praise God! We are no longer alone.

Behold God Almighty, behold our king!
His power, His might forever rise high
Let us sing, let our praises ever ring
For surely, oh surely, we'll never die.

For we have believed, trusted in His care
And He was faithful and delivered us from Satan's snare
On His Son, our saviour, we depended
We have been cleansed, every sin repented.

No longer do we fear of being rejected
Nothing makes us disappointed and dejected
For the Lord, who is in Heaven, loves us
With a rich blanket of love He covers us.

Oh, what love! He loved us to the point of death
He shed His blood on the cross to lend us breath
Oh, what compassion; oh, what grace!
Oh, what mercy do we see upon His face!

His love is so pure, His love is so tender,
His love is so compassionate, He forgives the offender
Oh, we thank you Jesus! Our lives to you we surrender
Clothe us Father, with righteousness and splendour.

Lord God, to be with you we long
Where there's many a praise and many a joyful song
Where we can quench our thirst from the River of Life
And satisfy our hunger from the Tree of Life.

Come, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, come!
Come and take us away to join your kingdom
We will wait, Mighty Father, for the trumpet's call
And then, we will rejoice with you at Satan's fall.
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