Bloom where you are planted
Autor: Eva M. Young  |  Album: fara album  |  Tematica: Diverse
Adaugata in 18/02/2006
"Bloom where you are planted,"
I heard a quiet voice say:
"But, Lord," I protested,
"I'm getting older, and beginning to get gray.

"It makes no difference",
This quiet voice said;
"Everyone has a place in life,
Even those confined to bed."

"But, Lord, I am weak and frustrated,
Who would listen to me?
I want to do what I can,
But I can bearly hear, or see."

"Oh, my child, you are so special,
I've made all my children that way;
You have a deep, abiding love,
That encourages others day by day."

"Believe me, my dear child,
I know what I say,
Now, no more back talk!
Just listen and obey."

I opened up my Bible,
And as I began to read,
I was truly astonished,
When I realized my need.

I'd only craved the fun in life,
It's pleasures fed my soul.
But God was telling me,
That's not His purpose or His goal.

To be humble and loving,
I can serve my Savior well,
Then I'll have my mansion in heaven,
Where for everlasting I'll dwell.

Today I found this little gift,
It made me realize how true,
So bloom where you are planted,
And God's blessings be on you...
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