When I Meet My Savior
Autor: Emily McAdams  |  Album: fara album  |  Tematica: Diverse
Adaugata in 18/02/2006
If this is the day that I should meet my Savior face to face

I hope that He can say to me, "My child, you ran the good race.

You told those who didn’t know Me how they could be My child

You helped those sick and suffering; you went that extra mile.

You shared with others what you had; you were always kind

You were always witnessing; you wanted no one left behind.

You comforted those in sorrow; you prayed for those still lost

You tried to be a friend to all, no matter what the cost.

You let My light shine through you so others around could see

That you had something special, and you told them it was free.

You shared the gift of salvation and they were quick to agree

They wanted the joy and peace you had so they too could be free.

You told them of the blood I shed to wash their sins away

You told them of eternal life I planned for them some day.

You told them to repent of their sins and ask Me into their heart

So I could change them from within into a new work of art.

My child, when you stand before Me on that final Judgement Day

I’ll not forget these things you’ve done; your crown I’ve laid away".

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