The Marriage of the Lamb
Autor: Connie  |  Album: fara album  |  Tematica: Diverse
Adaugata in 18/02/2006
All honour and authority
Belong to Him alone,
All glory and all power to Him
Who sits upon The Throne.

Sing praises, dance and shout for joy,
Exalt the great I Am;
For now the time has come at last ~
The Marriage of the Lamb.

Rejoice and be exceeding glad,
It's time the Bride prepare;
Get ready now to celebrate,
Join in the great fanfare.

With finest of white linens, hers,
The Bride is brightly clothed
In righteous acts done while on earth,
Adorned for her Betrothed.

Blessed are those who belong
Unto the great I Am,
Blessed, those invited to
The Marriage of the Lamb.
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