The Bible Has Love Letters
Autor: Mary Eldridge  |  Album: fara album  |  Tematica: Diverse
Adaugata in 18/02/2006
Blessings I have for you in store,
when you call on my name I will pour.
I truly delight to show you my love,
that's why I was sent from heaven above.

The love that I have is strong and sincere,
I want you to draw near to me and hear,
There's much to say to those who are mine,
I want to share what is devine.

Keep your heart pure and clean,
trust in my Word to know what I mean,
I have prepared a place for you,
I will return for hearts that's true.

Please tell others I'm soon to come,
so they can hear Me say well done,
I will appear in clouds of array,
for some it will be a happy glad day.

The Bible has love letters to all,
who love Me, and on my name call,
Read what I have to say to each one,
so you will fulfill, my will to be done.

Heaven is a place I've prepared for you,
a place for all who have been true,
When the trumpet soon will be blown,
All God's children will be called home.

What a time that will be in heaven above,
to be with the One who gave us His love,
His kingdom then will be complete,
as we cast our crowns down at His feet.
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