Think of Him
Autor: Connie  |  Album: fara album  |  Tematica: Diverse
Adaugata in 22/02/2006
When you see the Easter bunny's
Fur so snowy bright;
Think of how Christ took our sins
And washed them snowy white.

When your Easter bonnet
You place upon your head;
Think of how they placed on Him
That thorny crown so red.

When you tint those Easter eggs
With stripes of every hue;
Think of all the stripes He bore
Upon His back for you.

When you're hunting Easter eggs
And searching everywhere;
Think of how they searched the tomb
And found He wasn't there.

When you see the Easter lilies
Decked in stately grace;
Think of our new bodies
When we gaze upon His face.

When you spend this Easter,
Think of His love for you;
For Jesus is our Easter!
He makes our lives brand new!
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