Autor: Alexandru Marius  |  Album: English poetry  |  Tematica: Incurajare
Resursa adaugata de mariusalex in 11/04/2020
We can find each other on the thick mist of troubles,
We can discover the beauty of our faces all again,
Despite our fears, our pains, despite our struggles,
Soon we will dance, together, hand in hand in the rain.

We miss the handshakes, the hugs, but we are not lost,
We are crying, but we will never forget to smile,
We'll pay the price we'll pay the cost,
We'll be coming back to "happy" in just a little while.

We never lost the faith, the hope, the love,
He is the same, yesterday, today, and forever,
The clouds might be gray-dark today above,
But we will pass through the storms together.

Marius Alexandru
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