Longing for
Autor: Alexandru Marius  |  Album: English poetry  |  Tematica: Diverse
Resursa adaugata de mariusalex in 11/04/2020
I am longing for the blue skies,
for the stars of hope shining.
I am longing for the tears in the garden,
for Your sweet whisper that comfort.
I longing for Your steps, slowly coming to my door.

I am longing for the sunrise,
for warm rays full of light.
I am longing for the soft and sweet perfume of the flowers,
For Love’s fire from my first song.
I am longing for my dear and beautiful Bridegroom, who is coming!

I am longing for the old, holy altar,
for the Sacrifice that brings so much joy.
I am longing for all that without merit, I received as a gift.
I am longing for the comfort and the amazing Grace.
I am longing for Heaven; I am longing for Eternity!

I am longing for the old, good peoples,
for all our loved ones who went Home.
I am longing for the last trumpet’s sound.
I am longing for white clothes, for the crown.
I am longing for Jesus; I miss Him so much!
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