Autor: Alexandru Marius  |  Album: English poetry  |  Tematica: Diverse
Resursa adaugata de mariusalex in 11/04/2020
Childhood is a beautiful dream that never disappears,
A world of wonders often recaptured in memories,
A time without worries, just smiles, beauty, and color,
We all find ourselves in it, the heroes of the most beautiful story.

Childhood is the laughter, the games,
The start of everything, purest spring of our souls,
A halt in life, a stop where for a moment everyone descends,
A magical universe, decorated with silver stars and blue flowers.

Childhood is a sunray of hope in the muddy road,
A tear drowned in laughter,
A wind that spreads around the smell of lime, perfume
Childhood is spring rain, a smile in the mirror.
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