I am a small Light
Autor: Alexandru Marius  |  Album: English poetry  |  Tematica: Diverse
Resursa adaugata de mariusalex in 11/04/2020
My eyes have seen the glory
of the resurrected Lord,
My ears have heard the Story,
By grace, I am restored!

My eyes have seen the Light
and everything is new,
No more darkness, no more night,
I am a small light too.

I’ll shine my light to the world,
I would not hide in fear,
I will proclaim Your Word,
Your love for all to hear.

I am a small light in a stand,
My life is lighting the sky,
And soon I’ll be at His Right Hand,
The Child of The-Most-High!
A lovely poem..Congratulations!
Adăugat în 14/04/2020 de loredanam
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