I only...
Autor: George Cornici  |  Album: Lumini din Paradis  |  Tematica: Diverse
Resursa adaugata de geocornic in 16/08/2020

I only trust the sincere smile
To reject the other one is ok
I believe you will like my style
Which, on many screens, I’ll display.

Only enjoy a look of trust
It sends waves of laughter and joy
My philosophy: I fix, not adjust
I’ll never welcome those who destroy.

I only go to places to bring
News to encourage people in trouble
With reverence I’ll talk to my King
And, sure, my portion will be double.

I only sing inspiring songs
They don’t mess with my feelings
They penetrate to fix wounds and wrongs
Transforming them into healings

For useful stuff I only look
Earthly moldings don’t fit me
That’s why I stay with the best BOOK
Cause wonders in IT I can see.

I only collect treasures from Him
(My Master, Creator and Father )
I want to belong to a team
Calling me their brother.

George Cornici/July, 2020

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