Autor: George Cornici  |  Album: Pelerini printre versuri  |  Tematica: Zidire spirituala
Resursa adaugata de geocornic in 19/11/2020
Yes, to His Kingdom we belong
Like branches belong to a tree
We can hear a heavenly song
Our destiny is to be free.

Captivity is gone by God’s grace
Too long the nightmare lasted
They threw dirt in our face
And still to them we were attracted.

Buried are now the old bad days
When underground was our place
The whole being sings, not betrays
Cause it is lighted by His face.

Belonging to Heaven and to Him
Is our way of life and goal
Together we formed a great team
To create great joys for the soul.

The world is conquered by faith
When totally separated from it
That way we can finish the race
For our mission to be complete.

Because of Love (with capital “EL”)
To the life after death we belong
The Son of God will say: “done well”
“From now on your lives are a song.”

George Cornici/Aug. 20
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