Written In The Clouds
Autor: Luiza Cotea  |  Album: fara album  |  Tematica: Diverse
Resursa adaugata de Luiza_Cotea in 10/12/2020
I look around to see all of these beautiful things You created.
I see Your majesty in everything around me.
Your beauty is written in the clouds,
Your glory is beyond all earth.

I look at myself and I see the amazing creature I was created to be.
I am astonished by Your grace,
I can't say a word,
I can only cry!

But what did we do with all of the beauty and all of the gifts you put in us?
We destroyed it and we searched for something more.
As if EVERYTHING was not enough, we wanted more,
But we ended up losing it all.

But You, so full of grace and love, redeemed us from our own mistakes.
You bore the consequences of our sin on your shoulders.
And us? We were the ones who made You do that.
We were the evil people with fire in our eyes that convicted you.

Still, You put hope in our eyes,
Love in our hearts,
Patience in our souls,
Devotion in our hands.

You made us brand new, You washed our sins with blood,
You gave Yourself for a miserable, sinful creature.
And still, You love us so much,
With a love that's more beyond our understanding.

For all the things You've done for me,
There's nothing I can do to pay You back.
I have nothing more than my soul, my heart, and my life.
I let them down at the cross

For me to live is Christ.
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